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Blog: Blog2
  • james22nethercott

Researching Branded Game designer websites

For my first website I am reviewing, I choose Jake Shoesmith's website, for being someone already in the games industry you can see how well put together his website is with all the games he has worked on, giving pictures and videos detailing each game.

What core message does each website/blog convey?

You can he has gone for a very straight forward approach on his website stating all his work and what hes done, not wasting time with backgrounds and art for the website itself more so this is my work and this is what i can do. I think this is a good way of displaying yourself as it gets straight to the point and you can clearly see what interesting in the industry he has and what he can do.

Who do you feel are the intended target audiences?

I would say the intended audience for this website are companies looking to hiring a games animator who has experience in motion and graphics. He clearly shows he is comfortable with 2d and 3d work.

What are the essential pieces of information contained in each of the websites/blogs?

The essential information in this website is the work he has done along with what experience he has such as Photoshop and Maya, going through detailed information about what experience he has with the industry.

Is the written communication of a high/low standard?

I would say this website is very easy to read and clear, making the website a breeze for any future employers to go through, the only problem I have is how you have to click through many pages to get an idea on everything instead of having one dedication front page showing who he is.


What layout, typography and colour palette does each site use?

This website is using very basic and simple typography and colour palette, using a simple pale blue as the background for the entire website and standard font for each part. This works great because it allows the reader to concentrate more so on the work presented on the website, which is what i believe the creator is trying to achieve.

How do these contribute to the ‘brand’?

These basic colours and standard font just show he is being very serious and is just displaying what he can do what experience he has and is very professional brand.

How do the visuals communicate intentions?

The visual state that the creators intentions are to be professional and give and ease of where the information on the website is.

Is there are continuity in the visuals?

Very much so as the whole website is continuously the theme of blue with simple text.

How do the visuals focus attention?

Because is a simple colour it doesn't draw attention away from the work present in the middle of the website, this is a great way to display work and I will be looking to add this to my own website, caring less about background and more about how my work itself is presented.

In your opinion, are the aesthetic values successful and/or appropriate?

Personally I would say yes as it gives a professional look at the same time showing the user where to look and showing that the presented work is of a good standard the back and text doesn't really have to pop out and be fancy to the user.

Technical Proficiency / UX

Does form follow function or vice versa?

I would say the form follows function because it is all simple and easy to get along with. Not really having to struggle to find anything as it is all laid out just that the main focal point is the videos of games he has helped create.

What is the User Experience for each website/blog?

The user experience for this website would be looking at what work this creator has made and the games as a whole not necessarily what parts of the games he has created himself, then after this being told what experience he has on a separate page. Other than that it gives a professional feel and a simple but easy to ready approach.

Is the user ‘led’ and is there an obvious focal point?

I would say the user is led to click onto the videos on the front page of the website and see what work has been created by the artist, instead of being led through the entire website, you have to be looking for experience and what he actually does rather than be led to it, which personally I dont like. I would prefer to see experience first.

Are there bugs or obvious errors in construction?

As far as I can tell looking around the website going to each part such as the videos showing the work he has created. There doesn't seem to be any problems or errors.

Are there obvious links to external (social) media

The external links are not obvious but they are there at the bottom of the website, quite small but noticeable. I would assume this is because the work is already presented here.


Finally I would say the website was a good reflection on what is needed to show to employers as is demonstrates what the creator can do without being flashy and unnecessarily hard to go through, I will be using this simple approach in my website to help showcase my work instead of having a fancy website.

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